Anything and Everything is Possible.

Simply because YOU are.    

Unlock your potential, and so much more.

Physical, mental, personal and professional.

Success at work doesn't have to be at the cost of your physical, mental and emotional health.

With work, family, friends and multiple other daily stressors vying for attention, so many excel in one area of life but often to the detriment of another.

How does your potential become more than an idea? A dream?

It’s rarely realised alone.

Olympians don’t win medals without coaching and we don’t conquer our goals alone either.

With the right guide to mentor and coach you, your potential starts to become reality to unleash performance in all areas of your life, that you might never have known you had in you.

At MYP we transform lives, through a unique blend of coaching and mentoring, delivered in person and online (or hybrid of both).

  • Individual performance

  • Group performance (with individual goals)

  • Group performance


  • Meet Andrea


    “Thank you again for opening the door for me, and allowing me to visualise a future I never saw possible.

    I am so genuinely grateful for everything you have done for me, with me, beside me. For continually showing me new perspectives and shifting the lens through which I see the world. I will always cherish this coach-client relationship.”

    Signed up for:

    Coaching to prepare for a photoshoot, with a key focus on mindset and mental health

    Outcomes so far:

    Complete ‘effortless’ physical body transformation, captured by an incredible photoshoot

    ­Escaped the hustle lifestyle to reclaim her energy, freedom and experience true fulfilment

    Harnessed personal power to break free of self-limiting beliefs and realised her entrepreneurial potential

    ­Embodied her feminine energy to become the leader of her life

  • Meet Ryan


    “At first you think it's just training, and then you think it's training and diet, when really it’s actually a lifestyle and all that other stuff is a by-product of it.”

    Signed up for:

    Coaching to reclaim control of his health and fitness to support setting up a new business and starting a family

    Outcomes so far:

    Return to competitive sport after injury with renewed confidence in physical ability

    Lost 15kg body fat and built a lean, strong and resilient body

    ­Transformation of leadership skills with immediate business results

    ­Became an aspirational role model for his employees, who now also work individually with MYP

  • Meet Lilly

    ONLINE COACHING IN KSA (Kingdom of Saudia Arabia)

    “I asked you to help me with my mindset first and foremost and look where we are, so many transformations and BIG WINS and this is just the beginning. A million ‘thank you’s won’t ever be enough.

    I'm a lady working in KSA in engineering, in a male dominated industry, and I'm breaking ceilings to points where I'm like, how is this possible? You gave me the personal power and push to go for it.”

    Signed up for:

    Mindset coaching and weight loss

    Outcomes so far:

    Continuously breaking ceilings in a male-dominated industry

    Lost 12kg and for the first time feeling truly confident in herself

    Courageous embodiment of feminine leadership, leading to international business promotion

    Strengthened personal boundaries, to enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle alongside a high-profile career

Our philosophy

Our coaching and mentoring focuses on achieving effortless high performance across three essential areas.

You will harness your personal power, upgrade your mindset and dissolve disempowering beliefs. You’ll take control and lead your life across:

Brain: Total Mental Performance.

Body: Complete Physical Health.

Balance: Successful Fulfilling Lifestyle.

From surviving to thriving

Everyone is unique, but this is what our clients have experienced on their MYP journeys

  • ­Kicking off – Together we’ll explore your goals, targets and understand your vision for life

  • ­Within weeks – real trust is built, safe space embraced, deep understanding and awareness of what makes you authentically you

  • Ongoing – clarity and confidence gained in implementation of the habits, routines and lifestyle upgrades to set the platform for your growth and success

  • Within months – you’ll see tangible results in your health and performance, expanded capacity to manage life’s events, challenges and tribulations, without compromise or impact to your ongoing progress­

  • By 6 months you’ll experience exponential growth transformation of identity and be well on your way to becoming the leader of your life!

And that’s just the first 6 months!

About us

Steve | Director

On an infinite journey of improvement—a philosophy Steve lives by and instils in others to consistently perform and excel in all areas of life.

Just as every successful business evolves with systems, standards and innovation, so does one’s body, health and mental performance.

With experience as a health and performance coach, athlete, manager, sports captain and project manager, Steve has a powerful ability to lead individuals and teams to maximise their potential, with the resources available for optimal, long-term and sustainable results.

Growing up on a dairy farm, Steve developed an unwavering work ethic at a young age. Today, he’s still guided by the skills he learned on that farm: a deep understanding of the demands of business ownership, the power of community, and the importance of agility and composure within an ever-changing landscape of challenges and opportunities.

Steve is proudest seeing his clients effortlessly perform at their best, manage unforeseen challenges and excel in all areas of life.

Shay | Director

Catalysed by a ‘re-birth moment’, Shay transformed her whole life by freeing her mind and unshackling from mental constructs and old paradigms. Ever since, she’s been unlocking the potential of human performance across MYP’s methodology of Brain, Body and Balance.

As an Australian born to Vietnamese refugee parents, Shay had a unique experience growing up in a country with immense opportunities that conflict with traditional conventions. This ultimately led her to challenging the status quo and re-creating herself and her beliefs about human potential.

Shay spent a decade working for various major financial services corporations and transformational programs, where she observed both the potential for individual transformation and the barriers that limit people’s success to just one area of their lives.

She knew that integration—the embodiment of individuality—supported by a health-and-mind-focused lifestyle with deep connections would see the positive impacts in lives, families, communities and workplaces.

With that realisation, Shay returned to her passion for human potential by founding MYP with her partner. Every day, she has the privilege of watching people achieve not only the goals they set out to accomplish but ones far beyond their imagination.


  • Billy, Perth WA

    “Iʼm loving my routine these days and my family is benefiting also as Iʼm happier and confident. Setting time away for myself to get things done as what I do now my family will benefit from my actions as well. Showing my kids that their Dad can do it, being a good role model and achieving goals is required in life to succeed. Iʼm just over 40 so Iʼm not getting any younger and know how hard it is to get in shape. These goals Iʼve set out are for life and not short term. I have appreciated everything that you offer regarding your routines, food advice and support, without it Iʼm not sure I would have gotten this far. I canʼt thank you enough for the support—it has given me immense self confidence!”

  • Melinda, Perth WA

    “I am super proud of all the big and small changes that have happened in these 4 months. I honestly can‘t believe it. This has been the easiest but also the hardest couple of months of my life in so many ways. I’ve gone through so much mentally, emotionally and physically and it has made me grow as a person and really allowed me to see myself and put self and my health before anything.”

  • Gordon, Barcelona, Spain

    “Steve really focuses on building you up not just physically but also mentally, so you are happier with higher energy levels, and basically sets the groundwork for people to achieve success.

    If you want to feel as good as you want to look, and you’re looking to create long-term solutions, then this program is worth it.”

  • Andrea, Perth WA

    “Thank you Shay. I have so much love for you and the work you do. Thank you again for opening the door for me, and allowing me to visualise a future I never saw possible.”

  • Darryl, Perth WA

    “I am 9kg down from my starting weight of 89kg. Mentally I feel the same but feel I can ‘go’ for longer and I am doing much more in my day. My physical look has given me much more confidence.

    Very rarely am I eating sweet things and drinking has cut down but I am enjoying what I am eating so donʼt feel I have missed out. Really enjoying the process and accountability. Surprised by the speed of the positive changes

    The rapid weight drop has been fantastic and my better eating habits have been surprisingly easy. I am enjoying the gym again.”

  • Harpreet, Perth WA

    “Thank you Shay. Thank you for allowing me a space to be vulnerable. Old me would have avoided conversations like this and ran away from discomfort.

    The growth, the moments, the memories, tears of joy and sadness and everything in between. Shay, you have been a big part of this journey. Here I am, 6 months later, so much contentment and growth. Surreal, how beautifully my life has transformed.I love this journey Shay! Creating and living my best life!”

  • Mark, Perth WA

    “I have been feeling great in recent months. Feeling way less foggy, feel like I have energy for the kids and parent life along with performing well at work.

    Greatest improvement is moving away from my stop-start patterns with habits to long-term and sustainable actions. I am great at starting but have failed in the past after a period of time. This time feels different. Feels more like itʼs becoming my identity to be consistent and sustainable.”

  • Rois, Perth WA

    “This is motivating me even more to continue with my training, work on my mindset along with everything else. Thanks for keeping me on track all last year. I am definitely not the same person that I was and I don’t think I would be in this position if I hadn’t been with you.”

  • Lilly-Rose, Saudi Arabia

    “I can’t believe the way my perspective on the smallest things has changed so significantly.

    Shay you are truly the best investment I made in 2022—having you as my coach is truly the single best investment I made in 2022. Thank you so much. The world needs you.”

  • Ryan, Perth WA

    “You may think you are too old or too injured to make a change, you may have kids and think you have had your time. When you are ready to choose you and hold yourself accountable then commit and reach out to MYP, they will take care of the rest.”

  • Louise, Dublin, Ireland

    “Shout out to Shay for being the best coach around. I was a bit lost at the gym and life and was ready to have something to focus on.

    Working with Shay I got so much more than I could have imagined. Not only did I completely switch to weight training which was something I wasn’t so familiar with but Shay had a holistic approach by educating me on sleep, rest, nutrition and checking in with yourself physically and mentally. She understood the importance of having balance and encouraged me to dissolve the ‘guilt’ mindset we all face.

    Leaving the country and trying out a new gym for the first time in Dublin was so exciting for me and because of Shay I had the foundations and confidence to workout and enjoy it! Thank you Shay for everything and hope to see you again!”

Become the leader of your life

MYP is ideal for people who want to:

  • Achieve effortless high performance.

  • Thrive as a leader in all aspects of your life.

  • Build and maintain an incredible body.

  • Realign your personal values and beliefs.

  • Develop an unbreakable mindset, without compromise.

  • Experience your true potential.

We respect the boundaries of our professional scope so if we find our services are not right for you at this time, we will happily refer you to alternative suitable professionals.

To explore your potential, book a meeting using the link below.